INGREDIENTS: beef, horse meat, poultry, pork, bread crumbs, water, vegetable protein, flavor, wheat starch, salt, mixed spices and herbs, peppers, onions, leeks, stabilizer E450, E412, flavor enhancer 621, preservative E250. Product with 78% of meat and 2.5% vegetable protein. Frozen-storage temperatures exceeding -182˚C. Do not refreeze after thawing. AUTOBURGERS do not need to be defrosted. If you prefer defrosting, remove them from the packaging and dry them with paper towels before placing them in deep fryer, oven / grill, frying pan or bbq. FRYER: Heat the frying fat or oil to 180˚C. Do not fry more than 3 Autoburgers simultaneously. Thawed Autoburgers are ready in about 2 minutes, you need about 4 minutes for frozen Autoburgers. OVEN / GRILL: Preheat the oven to 250˚C, or set the grill to its highest setting. Place the Autoburgers in the middle of the oven or grill. Thawed Autoburgers are ready in about 6 minutes. Frozen Autoburgers in about 12 minutes. Turn over Autoburgers at the halfway mark. PAN: Heat a little oil or butter in a skillet and heat up the Autoburgers over medium heat. Thawed Autoburgers are ready in about 4 minutes, frozen Autoburgers in 9 minutes. Turn over regularly. BBQ: Autoburgers thaw and place on the grill. Turn regularly. Thawed Autoburgers are ready in about 11 minutes, frozen Autoburgers in 15 minutes.
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